Category Archives: Poems for Boys

The Charge of the Ground Squirrels

ground squirrel, San Clemente CA

I can’t think why I’d been baking when we were camping at the San Clemente State Park on the beautiful southern California coast just south of Los Angeles but the scent of ginger had caught the attention of the local residents.

ground squirrel, San Clemente CA

Where is that delicious smell coming from?

ground squirrel, San Clemente CA

Down there somewhere!
ground squirrel, San Clemente CAThey’re here! Under this shirt! C’mon fellas!

Isn’t He Just Adorable?

Ingrid’s photo of a black vulture reminded me of this poem I had stashed away:

black vulture poem

Vinnie the Vulture posed for me in the parking lot of the Everglades National Park. Look at that face. Adorable may be over the top but you have to admit he is kind of cute!

Reptile Love

My followers are discriminating.

One could almost say they were hating,

All ‘gators and snakes.

Slimy things from a lake,

Score low on their animal rating.

*          *          *          *

To die at the hand of a bear,

Or anything else with hair,

Is a preferable fate,

So strong is their hate.

They’d happily hide in his lair.

Alligator Exhibit, South Florida ↓     ↓    ↓    ↓

I introduce Harvey my friend.

He’s cuddly and docile to tend.

I liked him on sight.

He wouldn’t dare bite.

Do you think that I am ‘round the bend?