Tag Archives: photography

And Then The Sun Came Out . . . .

. . . . What a Treat!
The rain thundered down all night. The day dawned grey and bleak. Southwold’s beach and the North Sea were uninviting:

southwold beach

The town was drab:


And then the sun came out and lit the candy-striped beach huts:

southwold beach huts

It bathed the swans in gold:

swan lake in southwold

swan lake in southwold

And provided a stunning sunset:

sunset in southwold

Our last night before we put our caravan “to bed” for the winter was perfect.
Post for the photo challenge “treat.”

Pic of the Day

How often do you take a photo expecting it to capture the perfect scene before you only to open it up on your computer and find it’s poorly framed, the light was too wrong to fix with editing, it’s dull, flat, boring or worst of all out of focus.

Canterbury Cathedral

This photo of Canterbury Cathedral is one out of 110 that is exactly as I had imagined it. One out of 110? Thank goodness for digital cameras!

Who is Roy G. Biv?

Why Roy G. Bivolo, of course! Rainbow Raider! Have you never heard of him? Me neither. For a massively extensive list of Flash enemies, Rainbow Raider amongst them, nickname Prism, click here. Not that interested? Thought not.

Thanks to Jude for informing me that in the UK schoolchildren learn Richard of York Gave Battle in Vain as the mnemonic for the colours of the rainbow – red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

Forget comic books and history lessons and chill out with these stained glass windows from Canterbury Cathedral:

Canterbury Cathedral stained glass window

Canterbury Cathedral stained glass window

These disappointing photos were taken for this week’s photo challenge – ROY G. BIV –  with my little and easy to handle point-and-shoot camera as my right hand is still being uncooperative.

How to Survive an Alligator Attack

Meet them when they are babies . .

Alligators, Florida USA

Handle them when they are young and have a souvenir photo taken . . . .

Alligators, Florida USA

Handle them when they are older and have a souvenir photo taken . . . .

Alligators, Florida USA

Ignore the signs . . . .

Alligators, Florida USA

Make eye contact . . . . . .

Alligators, Florida USA

Observe them in the wild. See that big boy?

Alligators, Florida USA

He’s a little boy. Big mama is behind him . . . .

Alligators, Florida USA

Make them smile . . .

Alligators, Florida USA

Make them laugh . . . .

Alligators, Florida USA

Get into a conversation with them . . . .

Alligators, Florida USA

Make sure you can trust your brother . . . . .

Alligators, Florida USA

Don’t let them get hold of your arm . . . . .

arm in plaster

Great idea Jude! When people say, ‘What happened to your arm?’ I say ‘Well . . . . when I was in Florida I was attacked by an alligator.’

Much more fun than saying, ‘I’ve had an operation on my wrist.’

No one believes me but it’s good for a laugh.

Where’s Yogi?

Hoping to see Old Faithful and Yogi Bear when visiting Yellowstone National Park, I found Old Faithful but was disappointed not to find the Bear. But better still, and to my utter delight I discovered these Vivid pools:

Yellowstone National Park Yellowstone National Park Yellowstone National Park Yellowstone National Park

These astonishing colours have an astonishing explanation: heat and bacteria. if you want to know the science click here.

If you want to see more pretty colours in the WordPress Photo Challenge, click here!

So where’s Yogi? Have you seen him?

Purple Haze

Purple Haze all in my brain,

Seville, La Noria
lately things don’t seem the same,

Seville, La Noria
actin’ funny but I don’t know why

prado de san sebastian
‘scuse me while I kiss the sky.

Seville, La Noria
~Jimi Hendrix

seville cathedral

On the Way in a roundabout way from the train station to Seville Cathedral in 2006 we happened (as we do in our unplanned way) on La Noria (Ferris Wheel) in Prado de San Sebastian, the whole of which was enveloped in a purple haze of Jacaranda blossom.

A Walk in the Woods . . .

. . . without Bill Bryson.

Bluebells Captain's Wood

As part of Sudbourne Manor given to Bishop Æthelwold by Kind Edgar C959-963 who then granted the land to a Benedictine Monastery, this ancient woodland has been owned by bishops, noblemen and moneyed landowners through the centuries until more recently it was acquired by Suffolk Wildlife Trust. It showcases, if I can use use that word in the same paragraph with ‘wildlife trust,’ a breathtaking display of bluebells in the spring.

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Would you care to join me Restless Jo for a stroll in the bluebell wood?

A bench with a view,
Of a sea of blue,
There’s water here too,
But no beach for you,

Bluebells, Captain's Wood, Suffolk UK