Daily Archives: March 3, 2015

B & W Challenge #3 The Boys in the Band

The boys in the band, El Puerto de Santa Maria, Spain
The boys in the band, El Puerto de Santa Maria, Spain

Looking good is mandatory but playing your instrument is optional.

I recently posted photos of Semana Santa – Easter Week – in Spain. Religious processions are solemn occasions but we’ve always been amused by the teenagers who take part in the marching bands.

The above photo was very busy so was heavily cropped to focus attention on the boys’ faces. What you can’t see is that they are all carrying wind instruments. What you can see is that they aren’t playing them.

Jude of Travel Words and the earth laughs in flowers has invited me to join in with this challenge. Jude is an accomplished photographer/traveler/garden enthusiast so while out and about stays grounded and records everything with wonderfully entertaining results.

There are only two rules for this challenge:

  1. On 5 consecutive days, create a post using either a past or recent photo in B&W.
  2. Each day invite another blog friend to join in the fun.

Today I would like to nominate Sue Slaght at Travel Tales of Life to take part in the challenge. Sue has all the energy, enthusiasm and devilment I wish I had for travel. You just never know what she will do next. It’s all documented. Go have a look. You won’t be disappointed.