Daily Archives: March 5, 2015

B & W Challenge #5 Guess Who?

kids in the snow

How better to finish the challenge than with a photo of yours truly!

I must credit my father with taking this photo. Do you remember the old box cameras? Dad’s had a flap on the top that you lifted for the viewfinder. You held the camera against your chest to steady it and looked straight down into the viewfinder to find your subject with some difficulty with your whole body getting in on the action – was the image upside-down? The film was advanced manually and there were 12 images on your black and white roll. Six to twelve months later when you’d taken your twelfth photo, you’d take the film into a camera shop to be developed and wait two weeks for your photographs, which mostly came as a surprise as you’d taken them so long ago.

Now I take a photo and send it halfway around the world in an instant. Who would have believed that?

Jude of Travel Words and the earth laughs in flowers has invited me to join in with this challenge. Jude is an accomplished photographer/traveler/garden enthusiast so while out and about stays grounded and records everything with wonderfully entertaining results.

There are only two rules for this challenge:

  1. On 5 consecutive days, create a post using either a past or recent photo in B&W.
  2. Each day invite another blog friend to join in the fun.

Today I would like to nominate Cindy Knoke of cindyknoke.com to take part in the challenge. Cindy lives in a mythical place in California she call ‘The Holler’ and travels extensively.  Her photos are just . . .  they’re just so . . . so very . . . . . absolutely . . . . ummm. It would seem they are indescribable. You’ll have to have a look for yourself. Go on.

(Note to Cindy – I shouldn’t have paired you in this post with the faded, scratched, photo of a photo above. But then there is no comparison between your photos and mine.)