Hoodoo! not Whoohoo!

The hoodoos of Bryce Canyon have to be seen to be believed – difficult to describe!

Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah  Hoodoos differ from pinnacles or spires with their Intricate shapes formed by erosion of layers of rock of different types.

090227Bryce 112

Hoodoos are also called tent rocks, fairy chimneys and earth chimneys. Which is your favourite name?

Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah

These photos are all the same vista taken with wide angle to zoom at Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah, U.S.A.

65 thoughts on “Hoodoo! not Whoohoo!

  1. Love the HooDoos. But I never knew they were also called other names. We loved our stay there and I still feel this is an amazing place here on earth! Great shots! And you got snow too, just like us!


    1. It’s hard to take a bad picture there. Everywhere you look is astonishing. I didn’t know about the other names until this week when I did a little background reading!


  2. This does look quite something. Must agree,….I would have no way to describe it either. I bet it is even more impressive in person. Thinking I’m going with earth chimney…..can’t get into the whole hoodoo thing….


  3. I love this place! We were there for a very brief visit. Booked a campsite (we had rented a van), drove up to the highest point, taking pictures all the way up. On the way down, it started snowing heavily, blizzard actually. We passed our campspot, and kept going in time to get the last room at the nearest motel. (Hubby said if I wanted to go driving in a blizzard, I could have stayed home in Canada). Next day we had glorious sunshine, went for a hike. We had summer and winter pictures all within 24 hours. Thanks for reminding me. I love your pictures!


    1. Thanks! You must have some great pictures of the park. Summer and winter. I read your comment out to my hubby. We laughed about what your hubby said about staying home in Canada. Bet you’re glad you hung around! 😀

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  4. I start my cross-country camping trip Monday. Bryce Canyon is on the list as well as any and every other canyon in the west. In answer to your question, earth chimney is my favorite because that’s pretty much what it is. 🙂


      1. I’ve been twice, but that was before the hiking bug bit. I need to get back and really explore the area in the way that hiking allows for.

        Resting? Well, if you consider flying from Toronto to Atlanta 6 days post-op for a stressful 3 days of business to be resting, then, absolutely! I’m resting. 🙂

        Actually, the trip was great – no complications, and I had a relatively restful weekend to recuperate.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. when in that area again check out cedar breaks netional monument jest south of there on the way to zion is incredible bout the same but ya cant walk down into it but is specatular viewpoints 🙂 travel safe keep da sunny side up Q 😎


      1. yes is very spectacular,,,also well u can check out vids on u tube werld is very kewl place by there Zion canyon is awesome place to hang out.sunny side up in england now 2 U 🙂 Q


  6. Gorgeous!! Yet another place to add to my long list of must-see trips. Hoodoo is such an odd name … now fairy chimney gets my attention 😉
    I like the idea of hiking down and wandering among them. Problem is of course … hiking back up 😉


  7. Always one of our favorite places, especially to hike down into the canyon and wander among the magical formations. I like fairy chimneys, of course!


    1. I hadn’t heard of that expression until recently had you? I think I need to go back and scrutinise them in light of their new name! Himself had a bad knee when we visited and we didn’t hike. Sounds like we missed quite the experience.


  8. We call them hoodoos as well. A word I learned after I got to Canada:) It is a fascinating landscape, something out of this earth!


  9. I like ‘fairy chimneys’ I also like the legend of the hoodoos:

    “Before there were any Indians the Legend people, To-When-an-ung-wa, lived in that place. There were so many of them. They were of many kinds – birds, animals, lizards and such things – but they looked like people…

    For some reason the Legend People in that place were bad. Because they were bad Coyote turned them into rocks; some standing in rows, some sitting down, some holding onto others. You can see their faces with paint on them just as they were before they became rocks…”

    ~ a Paiute Indian Legend

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