Poems for Boys (and Girls) Afloat in a Boat

You may have seen this picture in yesterday’s post:

Pleasure boat on Crater Lake National Park

Due to full zoom and operator shake (can’t really blame the camera) the people in the boat are quite fuzzy. By enlarging the original picture and fudging a bit, I estimate there are about 24 people in the boat. To give you some perspective of the distance involved, look at this:

Pleasure boat on Crater Lake National Park

And this:

Pleasure boat on Crater Lake National Park

And this! The boat is just a little white dash in Crater Lake:

Pleasure boat on Crater Lake National Park

7 thoughts on “Poems for Boys (and Girls) Afloat in a Boat

    1. Steve’s bike tour sound brilliant. J was plagued with the aftereffects of shingles when we were there so we did a Chevy tour. Mrs. Hyperactive here jumped out at all the turnouts and ran around a bit and took photos.


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