Daily Archives: October 4, 2013

The Most Wondrous Place on Earth, Part 1

Disney may claim their Magic Kingdom is “the happiest place on earth” and that may be true for a child but the most wonderful place I have encountered, so far, is Yellowstone National Park. There is so much more to be in awe of than Old Faithful and Yogi Bear.

Yellowstone 061
Norris Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone 073
Norris Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone 085
Mammoth Hot Springs, Upper Terrace, Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone 095
Mammoth Hot Springs, Upper Terrace, Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone 109
Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone 130
Mammoth Hot Springs, Lower Terrace, Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone 138
Mammoth Hot Springs, Lower Terrace, Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone 140
Mammoth Hot Springs, Lower Terrace, Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone 147
Mammoth Hot Springs, Lower Terrace, Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone 172
“Are you looking at me? I’ve got my eye on you!” He was a big guy, probably at the upper weight range of 2,200 pounds, so this photo of a bison was taken from across the road, within two seconds of the truck!

More to come: geysers, dazzling colors and improbable landscapes!

Disappointingly, the link at the top of the page is not to the National Park Service as I would prefer. The NPS websites are not operating during the government shutdown. We were lucky to visit when we did as the National Parks are closed as well.

Much more devastating are the many government employees on furlough without pay through no fault of their own while the so-called “decision makers” called politicians cannot make a decision. Is this what we pay them to do?