Who is Roy G. Biv?

Why Roy G. Bivolo, of course! Rainbow Raider! Have you never heard of him? Me neither. For a massively extensive list of Flash enemies, Rainbow Raider amongst them, nickname Prism, click here. Not that interested? Thought not.

Thanks to Jude for informing me that in the UK schoolchildren learn Richard of York Gave Battle in Vain as the mnemonic for the colours of the rainbow – red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

Forget comic books and history lessons and chill out with these stained glass windows from Canterbury Cathedral:

Canterbury Cathedral stained glass window

Canterbury Cathedral stained glass window

These disappointing photos were taken for this week’s photo challenge – ROY G. BIV –  with my little and easy to handle point-and-shoot camera as my right hand is still being uncooperative.

45 thoughts on “Who is Roy G. Biv?

  1. Roy G Biv to me as I was a Preschool Teacher. The pictures of these windows are so pretty and who cares if it is with a point and shoot. The colors are amazing and each window tells a story… Just Like You Do!


  2. I think you did a good job – the stained glass windows are so pretty! Must have taken forever making them, I assume it is all done by hand. Impressive!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Stained glass is HARD, Carol! I’m always disappointed with mine. I can’t remember if I went inside the cathedral at Canterbury or not! Isn’t that awful? Over the years the cathedral images meld one into another for me, I’m afraid, but being there present is a whole different thing. Funnily enough Peterborough I remember liking but my standout is Ely! Have you been there? It’s a bit special. 🙂
    Off to see how Jude did. I just know she’ll have done a great job. 🙂

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    1. I have frequently y passed Ely Cathedral on the train and always think to myself, I must go there. So I will put it on the list. Strangely it is cathedrals in Spain that I can picture in my head, especially the one contained within the Mezquita in Cordoba.


  4. Wonderful take on the challenge…I never would’ve thought of stained glass, but how perfect! And watch out world for the one-armed photographer! Love that.

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    1. I didn’t think if of it, Torrie. I just happened to be there and stood under the windows reeling off the colours in my head – roygbiv – and when I got to seven, snap! Good of WP to arrange an appropriate challenge for my weekend visit. 😉

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    1. These were the only two halfway decent of many that I took. Can’t blame it all on the camera. I was just waving it around and snapping. Yours are lovely – love the gallery.


      1. Thank you 🙂 I was there for ages trying to capture specific bits of the windows, so much to look at! Did you get to wander around Canterbury too? There are some delightful walks within the town.

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              1. I can spend half my journey time on the M25 – only 6 junctions – getting to my daughter’s house in Surrey! Driving on that road has become almost impossible 😦


                  1. Definitely avoid the M25. It took me over 6 hours to return from Cornwall this last time! And no where near the M25. OK I started from the most western edge, but even so it was painful. Road-works, break-downs and not even school holidays 😦


                    1. Oh, wow, that is so exciting!! Is your wrist out of plaster then now? A good excuse not to do the packing though – himself can do it 😉


                    2. Wrist out of plaster but swollen, inflamed, weak and hurts like the devil. Lots of healing and therapy to do. What might just finish me off will be looking at big expanses of earth that need planting up and I CAN’T DO IT. I’ll have to be content with planning the garden.


                    3. Ouch! That doesn’t sound great 😦
                      So you have a BIG garden? That will be fun to plan. I can spend hours designing a garden, even one I don’t have 😀


                    4. Back garden is 11 m. X 30 m. and more or less a blank canvas. We have a huge terrace all across the back of the house% and a serpentine red block paved path to the bottom of the garden that I drew up (pre op!) and gave to the builders. Lots of plant shopping to do!


                    5. That’s a BIG plot! Going to be expensive filling that up (and lots of fun too) need to start getting cuttings from friends and neighbours 🙂 Clever to get the patio and path done by the builders.


  5. I’ve not been to Canterbury Cathedral, but I have to Salisbury Cathedral, which was fantastic. If you haven’t been, definitely check it out. An original copy of the Magna Carta is there. We stopped there on the way to Bath, which was also awesome.

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