How to Survive an Alligator Attack

Meet them when they are babies . .

Alligators, Florida USA

Handle them when they are young and have a souvenir photo taken . . . .

Alligators, Florida USA

Handle them when they are older and have a souvenir photo taken . . . .

Alligators, Florida USA

Ignore the signs . . . .

Alligators, Florida USA

Make eye contact . . . . . .

Alligators, Florida USA

Observe them in the wild. See that big boy?

Alligators, Florida USA

He’s a little boy. Big mama is behind him . . . .

Alligators, Florida USA

Make them smile . . .

Alligators, Florida USA

Make them laugh . . . .

Alligators, Florida USA

Get into a conversation with them . . . .

Alligators, Florida USA

Make sure you can trust your brother . . . . .

Alligators, Florida USA

Don’t let them get hold of your arm . . . . .

arm in plaster

Great idea Jude! When people say, ‘What happened to your arm?’ I say ‘Well . . . . when I was in Florida I was attacked by an alligator.’

Much more fun than saying, ‘I’ve had an operation on my wrist.’

No one believes me but it’s good for a laugh.

49 thoughts on “How to Survive an Alligator Attack

        1. I was just trying to be modest but then I thought everyone could benefit from my extensive ‘gator handling expertise. 😉 Hoping, of course, that you would overlook the fact there aren’t any ‘gators in England. 😉 Hahaha!

          Liked by 1 person

  1. Way too cool with your head in that alligator even if he wasn’t live. Think your story about the arm should be good for a whole lot of laughs, too! 😀


    1. I just had to have that photo. I waited for ages for a little boy to take a smart phone photo of his parents sitting on it. Kind of takes the thrill out of the whole situation doesn’t it?


  2. Great pictures! I held a baby alligator when we visited Everglades in Florida. Though your last line made me laugh; I am sorry for your arm being bitten by an alligator. 😛


    1. Hahaha! It helped that it was a stuffed (stuffed? dunno) alligator in a museum and both himself (photographer) and Bro (alli tamer) thought I was ridiculous for wanting the photo but I think it’s a cracker! Really, who wouldn’t want their photo taken in the mouth of an alligator?


  3. O M G. And now here we are right back where we began…..that alligator pic you showed me the first day we talked on here. I cannot believe you ever held an alligator (with its mouth wrapped or not!) This is a great post. Most enjoyable. Though I’m more than happy to leave these gators to you….even the babies!

    My older son has a scar on his side from a gash he received during a fall. We told him to call it his shark bite because it sounded better than saying, ‘I fell in the bathtub.’ As far as I know, he still calls it his shark bite! Much better conversation piece, just like yours.

    Thanks for the pic of your arm….one thing about plaster casts……they do make you look thin, huh? Looks like a teenager’s arm! So there’s a bit of positive for you if you need it!


    1. Made me laugh! Thin I like. My poor forearm has gone all skinny. It will be a while before I’m ‘pumping iron.’
      As for shark bites, I like that too. Wish I’d thought of it but then I don’t have any photos of sharks.


      1. Actually, I’m thinking we could invent new plan to help people with this knowledge we have now……plaster cast diet plan. Once one arm is done, we cast the next arm, and then a leg, and the other leg…..body cast, yep, could see this working just fine.

        Am quite glad you have no photos of sharks! Your gator photos are more than I can handle already! Oh! You better get that right arm built back up in case you have to hold anymore gators!


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