Magic in the Garden

Glass in the garden – sculpture eclipsing the plants. Hordes of people months into the exhibition sold tickets in time slots to avoid overcrowding. The Desert Botanical Garden is displaying Dale Chihuly’s phenomenal glass works set amongst the desert plants. Chihuly is the maestro of of avant-garde glass art. Always fascinated with glasshouses he displays within botanical gardens as well as 200 museums world-wide. The following photographs were taken from late afternoon starting at the garden entrance until after dark and finishing at the garden entrance.

Which is your favorite?

Chihuly in the Garden Exhibition Chihuly in the Garden Exhibition Chihuly in the Garden Exhibition Chihuly in the Garden Exhibition Chihuly in the Garden Exhibition Chihuly in the Garden Exhibition Chihuly in the Garden Exhibition Chihuly in the Garden Exhibition

Chihuly in the Garden Exhibition Chihuly in the Garden Exhibition Chihuly in the Garden Exhibition Chihuly in the Garden Exhibition Chihuly in the Garden Exhibition Chihuly in the Garden Exhibition Chihuly in the Garden Exhibition Chihuly in the Garden Exhibition

Chihuly in the Garden Exhibition Chihuly in the Garden Exhibition Chihuly in the Garden Exhibition Chihuly in the Garden Exhibition Chihuly in the Garden Exhibition Chihuly in the Garden Exhibition Chihuly in the Garden Exhibition Chihuly in the Garden Exhibition Chihuly in the Garden Exhibition Chihuly in the Garden Exhibition Chihuly in the Garden Exhibition Chihuly in the Garden Exhibition

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79 thoughts on “Magic in the Garden

  1. We had the opportunity to see the exhibit last year when it was at the Dallas Arboritium…it was beautiful. You did a great job capturing it!


  2. Great photos of an amazing artist’s work! You’ve reminded me that I have a series of photos from the Chihuly exhibit that was at the MFA-Boston a couple of years ago. I think I may have a look at them again and post them at, my photography site.
    It must have been heavenly to be outdoors and seeing Chihuly glass throughout gardens!!! I love the sunbursts you captured! Nice camera work!
    Mary McAvoy


    1. Thanks so much Mary. I’m very flattered now I’ve had a look at your beautiful photographs. I’m now following you and look forward to your pics of Chihuly. They are incredibly photogenic!


  3. Oh wow! I came across Dale Chihuly on someone else’s blog a few months ago and was smitten. Your photos are fab and if you insist I choose a favourite it has to be no 3 – or maybe no 4 or whatabout no 8? No it is impossible. I shall have to start saving up now!


      1. Damn! probably going to London at the end of April – I shall have to keep my eyes open for this chap. Are you living in Phoenix at the moment then?


    1. Wouldn’t you just love one of them in your yard? But as the bowl I photographed was only about 8″ across I think the sculptures would be out of my price range. Well, the little bowl too for that matter!


  4. Wow! What a spectacular exhibit and your pictures really capture its feeling. Too bad we couldn’t have seen it last year when we were circling around Phoenix. Ah well, thanks for taking us there. Next best thing I suppose.


  5. What a great tour of the Botanical Gardens. You have proven to me that I need to go there! Thank you for sharing your beautiful photographs! Please stop by and see my new blog… I am posting a 19 day adventure and am only on day 5. I see you are in Phoenix… Check out some of my posts about areas in Arizona. You may want to check them out as well. I have enjoyed your blog and am staying tuned!!
    ~Nancy Two Trails One Road


            1. Of course there are! Your header photo for a start is gorgeous. And just in your last post I love the photo of the colorful stools and umbrellas, the butterflies are amazing and I wish I had taken a photo of that “which way” sign at the end. It would make a good cover photo for the book I write in my dotage!


  6. As soon as I read “glass in the garden” I knew you were speaking of Dale Chihuly’s work. I love the Desert Botanical Garden. It is particularly interesting to visit during the Christmas holiday season.


    1. I hadn’t realized until we got there (duh!) that he was the same artist we’d seen in Tacoma a few years ago. (Though in Carol years it seemed like last week.) Would love to see a Christmas exhibit!


      1. The Desert Botanical Garden in Phoenix has a fabulous Christmas celebration, with luminaries lining the paths, music ensembles sprinkled around the gardens and great food…very festive. 🙂


  7. Your photos are gorgeous but nothing like seeing them in person. I have been so lucky to see Chihuly in both Phoenix Botanical Gardens and Dallas Arboretum. Both truly beautiful and different. Thanks for the beautiful pics!


  8. Interesting that you posted this. We were just outside the Chihuly Museum here in St. Petersburg, FL. The glass sculpture out front is amazing. The works you saw in the desert are perfectly placed and so pretty. Glad you added photos from the evening.


    1. Yes, we saw that museum too. He is from Tacoma. We wondered about the transport of the glass too. The pieces were huge and looked very fragile. They were all fantastic and even more fantastic after dark!


  9. That first (and last) one totally blew me away. I had to go back and enlarge it to make sure it wasn’t real. Chihuly is utterly AMAZING! Thanks for sharing these marvelous shots.


  10. OH my goodness! I love this beyond what I can express… too hard to pick a favourite, though the second from top instantly stood out for me. Which is your favourite?


    1. I think I liked the wild orange and yellow curly bad hair day spherical one best but they were all spectacular. Dale Chihuly has exhibited at Kew and the V & A. Might the glass sculptures still be there?


  11. Do you live in the Valley?? I do! And everyone has been raving about this exhibit! I have to the Desert Botanical Gardens many times, mainly for the wonderful Monarch Butterfly exhibit. Great pictures! 🙂
    Happy Travels,


  12. Some of those things look suspiciously like Triffids. The photos are great – I get the feeling that some of these creations would be at home in a ginormous aquarium. Wouldn’t fancy having them at home though – must be a bugger to dust 🙂


      1. It was one of my favorite books ever. I get tired of pointing at aloe plants here in the south of France and telling people that they are triffids,and they just stare at me like I’m some kind of… alien. I tell them to run, and they don’t understand. Sigh.


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