Would you live here? Or here?

Would you like a little des res?
Would you like a little des res?

It is quite endearing that nine out of ten Americans when asked where is the perfect place to live? will immediately tell you the name of their home town, actively promoting it as though they are a member of the Chamber of Commerce. Have they really considered the question or is it just a point of pride or familiarity?

Do you fancy living here?
Do you fancy living here?

Here is an interesting conundrum. Imagine that your house has been sold and you have the cash in the bank (assuming you have a house and assuming you have no mortgage. Remember this is make believe) and you have no job. What you do have is an RV and sufficient income to travel the country for a year or two before you settle down again. (Some of us are already in this position!) Try to take family and friends out of the equation and think – where would you go? What places would you visit? Where would you like to end up?

You could set up shop here!
You could set up shop here!

Now make it a bit more interesting. Take yourself and your RV to a foreign country and give yourself residency there. What country would you choose and how would you go about looking for somewhere to live?

Is this the style you'd like to become accustomed to?
Is this the style you’d like to become accustomed to?

All I really need at this point is a real estate brochure advertising an affordable house with a swimming pool and a little ground for a garden and I’m there, settled, seeing out my sunset years.

A little cottage by the sea for you?
A little cottage by the sea for you?

“What I really, really want is a house in southern California, with a mountain view backdrop behind and an infinity pool in the front, beyond which I can watch Pacific sunsets.” An hysterical laugh burbled up out of Jimmy’s throat. “Okay. Okay. It’s a movie star’s house, but you never know, we might stumble on a bargain.”

Himself didn’t even comment.

This one requires green fingers. Is that for you?
This one requires green fingers. Is that for you?

Traveling east to west in northern Florida, I amused myself with the previously mentioned brochure instead of staring pointlessly at the road atlas for hours, losing concentration just when my assistance was needed. “Listen to this. Thirty acres in the country, all fenced, four beds, three and a half baths, two car garage, large family room with fireplace, eat-in kitchen/breakfast room overlooks stunning pool and deck, kitchen with granite countertops, marble back splash, two pantries, exquisite master suite, large bonus room.”

“Where is it?”

“Who cares where it is? Sounds perfect to me.”

Do you need somewhere to park your yacht?
Would your yacht fit in one of these parking spaces?

85 thoughts on “Would you live here? Or here?

  1. I think any of those places you pictured would be great! I think I might just stay in the RV permanently. Stay for a while til I get sick of it and then move on. I don’t really want to stay anywhere permanent in the USA for sure, but I could see myself staying for a while in Bali. 🙂
    Hard to get there in an RV tho.


  2. Thanks for liking a post. I like those homes the potted plants seems really cheerful .I would changed something with my house though .The back yard and front . Have a nice day.


  3. Seems we have had this conversation before. I don’t know if I have seen the place for us yet but am always on the lookout. It would have to be somewhere with a temperate climate, beautiful mountains and easy access to nature. The house itself would not need to be elaborate. It will be interesting to see where we RVer’s settle when our time on the road is over. Good luck with your quest. 🙂


  4. In the summer I would like to live in Alaska and in the winter I would love to live on the Carolina Coast and in Europe I would have a home in Scotland and in Germany – I don’t want much do I??!! lol


  5. Hmmm… at this point I’d want the travel everywhere part. Then I’d think about settling. But it would be somewhere warm, for sure!


  6. That all sounds eerily close to my state of mind. I’m in that position; no home, enough funds for a very small house but I just can’t decide ….where. I’ve been trying out the “home town” thing for the last three months and it’s not the answer – yet. I’m so glad I’m not the only one, thanks!


  7. Loved the geranium houses. To be honest, I’m actually very happy here in North Cyprus, it’s a dream come true for me. Not to say there aren’t a few challenges but I happen to think that’s life and it keeps us on our toes. We have a 3-bedroom apartment with communal pool, 5 mins to Mediterranean, very laid-back living here, no rush, no hurry or haste, if shopkeepers haven’t got customers they sit outside and gossip, no malls, little bit of paradise.


  8. I don’t think I could be any more content than where I am. Beach nearby, moderate climate and affordable. Mountains and lakes to explore not too far. That ‘cottage’ would have to include several maids or house staff to add to the price. 🙂


      1. Then again I realize it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. Some find it a bit cool, but I tend to get upset the few days when it gets close to or above 80º.


  9. Ok here’s the deal… you and Ingrid get together and share that place… ship your RV’s out to me and I’ll keep traveling South Africa, Namibia and Botswana till I pass on and then some one can bury me in the RV where ever I end… I don’t want a permanent place I want to travel… here I am following along on your two’s journeys, getting totally jealous of your wonderful life style, and you want to buy a house..??? Buy a satnav then you wont have to concentrate on road maps and look at the world passing by , your where millions of people want to be but can’t afford it…


    1. Brilliant! I’ve Googled it for those (like me) who don’t know:
      Little boxes on the hillside,
      Little boxes made of ticky tacky,
      Little boxes on the hillside,
      Little boxes all the same.
      There’s a green one and a pink one
      And a blue one and a yellow one,
      And they’re all made out of ticky tacky
      And they all look just the same.
      I reckon you can try each one. They looked like vacation rentals. I don’t know the address other than Outer Banks NC. Thanks for that!


      1. I took the photo in Cordoba, Spain during the Festival of the Patios. The public is allowed access to dozens of private courtyards over a weekend. It was stunning. I chose the one pic that didn’t have a load of heads in it!


    1. Hahaha! Couldn’t figure out your comment so Goggled the definition of duplicity in case it had a meaning I wasn’t aware of. Read your second comment and then your third. Now I understand! Colors! Duplicity! Thank you. 😉


  10. I have no home town, having lived in NY, then CA,then South Dakota, then Minnesota, then Nevada, then back to CA. However, my dream home is on a lake in a mild climate with an infinity pool, a garden, and neighbors with horses.
    All I have to do is find it and be able to afford it!


  11. I’ll take that 4 level ‘cottage’ by the sea. Hey, with 4 levels, why don’t we split it…..plenty of room for all? I found one of those here in Rockport – slightly out of budget 😉


    1. The one you took a shine to is on the Outer Banks. I imagine it was well out of budget with both house funds combined! Perhaps four of us homeless people could get together and buy it! lol


  12. Definitely a place where there are lots of things to discover, but also lots of places to hide. I was told by a friend who was homeless that a beach town is always the best!


  13. I am in the city I have wanted to live in for several years. I would like to travel again…back to Ireland, and around Italy. If money were no object, I would like a lovely cottage type house here, and a place in Ireland or Italy 🙂 I have big dreams!!! Ok so this is off specific topic, but I would also love to take a trip on the Orient Express.


    1. Ireland, Italy, cottage – all sounds great! The Orient Express is exquisite. We did a short trip from the south coast of England to London. The food, the service, even the bathrooms were delightful. Good luck with your dreams.


      1. How exciting you took the trip on The Orient Express. Once while in London I got to go on the train as it was sitting in the station with the dining cars all ready to take on passengers for the first part of their journey. What a beautiful train. I got some good photos. Some day 🙂


        1. Our trip was far too short. I’ve love to travel from London to Venice on it. There’s something very romantic about sleeping on a train (as long as you are not sharing a compartment with a load of snoring, gas filled fellow passengers! 😉


          1. Guess I hadn’t thought of other passengers being noisy during the night 🙂 Of course, I am now apartment living and can hear the people upstairs…mostly just when they walk. Only last night he had a couple friends over and I could hear them talking. Wasn’t “listening” so didn’t hear what they were saying, plus when the heat when on or while watching a show online it didn’t disturb me.
            As for the Orient Express, I think I would just be thrilled to be on it 🙂


            1. I’m sure the Orient Express private compartments would be more luxurious and quieter than a standard sleeper carriage – the kind where you have a little bunk to yourself with a curtain! 🙂


              1. Probably true. Like you, I would love the London to Venice trip. I have been to Venice. It was only one day and night, but really interesting. I think I would have enjoyed it even more if I had been with the “right” person 🙂


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