New List!

It has occurred to me that Jimmy and I may not be thinking along the same plane or are even on the same planet. We rarely do are should our Quest be any different?

“The List” of requirements for the perfect place to live, which we had agreed on, has been thrown out as being ridiculously unattainable so now we’re drifting aimlessly, mentally and geographically. We each speak longingly of our nirvanas but these potential home bases may be more pie in the sky than pie on our plate and his is probably apple and mine is pear.

When I say Let’s live in California he says I don’t think we can afford it. When he says Let’s live in Florida I say I don’t know if you can stand it. And that’s the end of the discussion. If you can call that a discussion.

As we’re not the best at communicating, at least in any constructive way, it seems appropriate at this point to put into writing our options. Perhaps the unspeakable possibilities will spur us into taking action about settling down. These are our realistic and unrealistic prospects:

  1. Do nothing. We are fed, clothed, warm, mostly dry and have beds, in fact have everything we need all in the one small room.

    Teardrop trailer (Columbia River, Washington S...
    OK. So our space is a bit bigger than this! (Columbia River, Washington State) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
  2. Move into an apartment once again with a view to buying a house at some point.
  3. Move into a single wide and keep the travel trailer for a means to escape bad weather.
  4. Spend a little time with family in Washington State and Florida then tow back to California to look seriously at different areas, cost of living and apartments.
  5. Research cost of living in California thoroughly online before wasting a few months realizing we can’t afford to live in Malibu.
  6. Pack up our meager collection of furniture and belongings stored in the U.S. into a U-Haul and travel in tandem back to Florida where we know we can find a nice apartment and the cost of living is affordable but we don’t know if our 50°N latitude bodies are ready for 25°N latitude heat and bugs.
  7. Keep traveling in our shoebox and looking for an unconditionally perfect place to live.
  8. Return to the UK.
  9. Live in France.
  10. Check out Hawaii.
  11. Sink our house fund into a new big shiny RV and new car. DO NOT TELL HIMSELF I EVEN SAID THAT.
  12. Give up all our worldly goods and join a religious commune.

There. That should focus our minds. There are some pretty scary prospects there.

Commune d'Esch-sur-Alzette
On second thought, this doesn’t look too bad! Commune d’Esch-sur-Alzette (Photo credit: nunor)

Even more worrying is that it is only No. 12 that we would both find completely alarming.

I’ll get back to you when we’ve had a proper grown up discussion about it.

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77 thoughts on “New List!

  1. Wow, we’ll be in the same boat in a couple of years. Sounds like your weather requirements are quite different from this Island Girl’s, but I’d love to have the warm weather without the bugs! Good luck to you and keep us posted.


  2. When I was based in NY the 2nd time I would rent a car and drive all over CT, MA, NYstate and NJ to find the perfect quintessential small town that I would feel like setting up roots. Many times that darling small town turned out to be loved by everyone else and thus surrounded by a bigger city.
    Thus, like you and H, I am still looking. ALthough the US is wonderful, for now, my next local when lease is up will be either France-maybe Lyon, Italy in some small town, or Ecuador-lots of quality of life, other expats, with lower costs. After living there for however long it suits, if it is a month or 12, I can always come back here.
    You might want to consider Palm Springs,CA… it is pretty darn nice. You can either live $$$ or much less. Then scoot off during summers with your RV to cooler climes as many do!
    Love to see you here.


    1. Thanks Karen. We like Palm Springs too and have stayed there a few times. Ecuador, Panama, Costa Rica are all good choices for low cost of living and good weather. I like the idea of southern France but taxation would be horrendous for us. Still dithering!


  3. Reblogged this on Karen Ellis's Blog and commented:
    After having very similar musings for the past 20 years or so, I have decided that I will stow stuff in storage unit and set out for living in Italy or France for a few months to see how I like it then, or Dubrovnik and just figure it out then.
    I have a few friends who have moved to Ecuador and love it. Also the cost of living and quality of life is fabulous.
    Whatever Mr/MRS ‘WHichWay Now 101’ go, just do it…it isn’t permanent, until you decide! wander and live NOT IN FLORIDA.. but elsewhere.
    That is my plan. I have till March 2015 so that is my plan!
    Hope to see you guys in same locale?
    PS> I have several friends who have moved and live in Medellin Colombia which would suit your temperature guage well!
    Mine too!


  4. Well, I liked your list. #12 ain’t so bad, what hard is leaving after the brainwashing. Been there done that! You should create a new list of reasons “Why” not to settle down. Freedom to move and breath are inexplicable. Mortgages are the worst form of slavery, visa and mastercard are next. Anyway enjoyed the post.


    1. I can see where you’re coming from but we’ve done the freedom to move thing for many years now. I have to say I think it’s a guy thing. Himself would keep on traveling but I need a home and a base. We’ll keep traveling but from a home base . . . and soon I hope!


  5. I am reading this in the morning and already feeling like I need a drink! Although we are not ready to settle down yet, we will most likely be facing something similar in the future. I hope you find answers soon that you both can live with. Doing nothing is most likely not a good option and hopefully you will nix number 12 as well. 😉


  6. I love your list. I can’t imagine how you are going to decide by June.
    I’d suggest #3, in your most favorite place.
    And perhaps in time you could get a second single wide in your second most favorite place. Maybe then sell the truck and RV you have now, for a smaller truck/trailer combo for your jaunts. This way, you can live in two weather-friendly climates year-round and/or near friends for at least part of the year.
    In the meantime, I’m googling Greenville, SC!


  7. GOOD LUCK with whatever decision. BUT… promise one thing! YOU will involve all of us and keep up us all up to date. And keep your blog…. rolling along even if you come to a stop! or maybe a bump in the road.


    1. I’m probably sounding like a party pooper but we of kind of past the fun stage. We’re at the anxiety stage. I know everything will be alright in the end and wherever we end up will be wonderful and we are very fortunate to be in this position and have choices but . . . . . . .


  8. I started reading your post with a glass of wine in hand, intending to relax. I now feel totally stressed out. I think I need another glass of wine…


  9. That is quite the list! How about three more? 1. Check out Canada 2. Visit all the locations of bloggers you follow 3. Move to the location with your most friends.


    1. I like No. 3 which is not to say I’ve anything against Canada. On the other hand, there are an awful lot of Canadians in Arizona, at least in the wintertime. What does that say about your weather?


      1. Canada is a big place with lots of different kinds of weather. Lots of Canadians who fly south in the winter and I was bemused to find out Texans go to Hawaii to cool off (I found Hawaii too hot.) I think it’s really hard to find a climate that’s good all year round. Some of your travelling seems to confirm that. It’s even more complicated by people’s preferences. I will be interested to find out what location wins for you.


  10. Well I can’t help you with this. We can’t even decide where to live in the tiny space that is the UK. He wants town. I want country and coast. So we’re looking for a village that still has a shop. And a bus. And is affordable. And near the coast. Sigh… Thought of France, but then the reality of living there when we are getting to an age when health problems may surface, and without being bilingual is a worry. I sometimes think we over think things. And it is easier to just do nothing… 😦


    1. I can agree with everything you’ve said! The French are supposed to have the best health service in the world but then if you can’t tell the doctor what’s wrong . . . ?
      I’d like to live in a small town where we can walk to things but himself is looking for something quieter. Your village idea would work as well. I’m just afraid that we’ll hate the weather in the UK but le continent always beckons.
      As for doing nothing . . . . . that’s getting old!


      1. That’s all too true – we ARE getting old!! So we need to get a move on! The closeness to Europe and Scandinavia is a good reason for living in the UK as I’m keen to explore both more; flights are cheap and short AND I love having the different seasons here, even though winter fills me with dread; I’m hoping to persuade OH that we could start taking winter breaks in a warmer clime ONCE we have bought that house!


          1. Notes? You mean I have to have notes? I have lists. Lists of counties, towns within counties that ‘might suit’, bookmarks of bus services and train services around the country, and houses and lists of our perfect house which doesn’t match our all too imperfect budget. Told you. Over thinking.


  11. We have been toying with this idea for a while too. Is it time to move on or stay put??? I am basically stunted in my career and am lucky to have a job, but would love to be in a larger job market again. I thought living here would be a three to five year plan and now have been here almost ten years. As we approach our 40’s thinking more about life changes and transitions. Wishing You the Best – Good Luck! Happy Weekend:)


      1. Toying around with Oregon right now. We would love to have a home base and then work remotely throughout the year in Hawaii and California and maybe set our sights on some other locations too:) Decisions and worry about the monies too.


  12. Personally, I’d be all over the living in France part. I made Husband promise that one day we would live in France for a while. Sigh – it makes me happy just thinking about it ❤


      1. I try not to let realities interfere with my dreams 🙂
        I will definitely expect a visit though. We have all the wine regions of France to sample … for educational purposes of course!


        1. Not you as well! Perhaps I should come for a run with you and we can both chill. Oh, like that’s going to happen. I’d drop in a gasping heap after a hundred yards/meters.


              1. actually the new iPhone is doing the trick. And I did have a pretty awesome 7.5k on Wednesday (with my head-cold!). Longest distance and the fastest pace in the last 5 runs. So things are moving in the right direction, it seems. that’s the thing about running though — it’s such a mind-bleep (see how much restraint I showed there not dropping he f-bomb??). One day you can have a great run, the next you are absolute rubbish. And so it goes…


  13. The choices of life… at least you have choices.. some don’t… why not rob a bank and then you can afford to live in California, and pray you’re never caught… that could add some excitement to life as well, just be sure to talk to Jimmy before hand to have the same story when the police come calling…


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