
. . . . not Hoodoo or Whoohoo!

While living on the outskirts of Phoenix I witnessed several extreme dust storms, also known by the Arabic name of haboob! I can’t even say it without an exclamation point in my voice.

They would sweep through the valley between our balcony and the distant mountains giving us a perfect view of these Forces of Nature. Only once did I get a mouthful of grit and have to make a hasty retreat to the apartment.

Dust storm, Fountain Hills AZ

The view would completely disappear behind the spooky murk.

haboob, Fountain Hills, AZ U.S.A.

Moments later as the wind blew through the dust would disappear and the view of distant mountains and our ‘world famous’ fountain rising up to over 500 feet would reappear.

Moonrise, Four Peaks, Fountain Hills AZ

And later, a perfect moonrise over Four Peaks was revealed – two more forces of nature:

Moonrise, Four Peaks, Fountain Hills, AZ


This is no longer our ‘corner of the world’ but nature is more genteel in this corner of the world and I wanted to share the noxious dust storm pictures with you.

62 thoughts on “Haboob!

  1. I have never witnessed a Haboob… yet! I do have problems with the dust as I am allergic to dust. I live on allergy medicine and it seems to help!
    That moon is to die for! Thank You for sharing your forces of nature with us.


  2. thanks for the new word _ haboob! and I saw a documentary on dust storms in Dubai – and well, your AZ photos here are great = the before and after and the moonrise – what a gorgeous place to have lived – and cool take on the wpc.


      1. and watching paint dry is not really fun – ha! but this post did remind me of why Okeeffe probably loved it in AZ – so colorful and nice,


          1. that is interesting to hear – about not feeling at home there – and you sure have been so many places so I bet you know when you feel like you are in the right fish bowl (so to speak) – I have not traveled as much as you – but I know when I am someplace that feels not my home –


            1. James at Gallivance called our situation ‘homefree’ not ‘homeless’. I still feel I was ‘homeless.’ I feel right here in England even though I am American and as well as seeing family and old friends I want my stuff back that is is storage! I don’t think guys have that attachment.

              Liked by 1 person

              1. ooo I like the homefree – and I like gallivance blog too – just recently checking them out… anyhow, I bet there are pros/cons of having things in storage – and also agree that we gals are more attached


  3. Most interesting and a great post for the challenge. You’ve seen so many interesting things and been so many places. I think you could probably never take another picture and still supply photos for challenges for years to come!


          1. Same here, Carol, though, I’m going to venture a guess and say probably not nearly so often as you! LOL!


  4. What an odd name for this phenomenon, but I suppose if I were Arabic, I wouldn’t think it strange. I definitely wouldn’t like to live in a place that had dust storms. I have enough dusting to do already. Your moon images are beautiful.


  5. Great photos for the prompt Carol. When we lived in Phx many years ago these dust storms where not named. As they became more prevalent I began to hear this name for them.


    1. The dust storms rarely came through our apartment complex as we were up on a ridge but there was always dirt and dust in the air, on the furniture, on our black truck. Our neighbor had respiratory problems and had to stay indoors when it was windy. I guess we were lucky not to suffer from it. It seemed a minor problem compared to the rest of the country’s weather and your winters in Canada but it could be deadly.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Wow, that moon pic is just fabulous. I’ve heard the word haboob before, way back in school geography days – we must’ve been very cutting edge!!
    A writing friend of mine is due in America very soon on a “storm chasing” holiday. I can’t wait to read her blog when she returns.


  7. My son nearly died of Valley Fever (contracted at a solar installation construction site near Barstow, CA). Good to stay out of the dust storms! I don’t know how people in the Middle East and Northern Africa can breathe when there’s no place to go (like an apartment where you can close the door on it).


    1. I didn’t know that Barb! How frightening. I knew it could have serious consequences but except for the one time we were able to watch it from afar. Did he make a full recovery?


  8. Fantastic photos – especially the one with the big white clouds.

    I think I would be a little freaked out if I saw an approaching dust storm. My sinuses are starting to twitch at the thought … although that might just be the clouds of pollen that are still in the air here.


    1. I don’t know how the dust would affect your sinuses but it can cause valley fever which was a big problem in the Phoenix area.
      As for ‘freaking out,’ morbid fascination kept me on the balcony until the dust got in my eyes and mouth. It’s a strange phenomenon as there is no noise. The dust just rolls in, obliterates everything and then rolls away again.
      You can stop twitching now.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You are so informative – always tossing something new my way … this time it’s valley fever. Of course I had to look it up. There just seem to be no end to the hazards we are constantly faced with!!


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