Turn Here Honey!

“You said we need gas. Turn here!”

Gas Station on the road to Monument Valley

“Do you think the pumps are still working?” Standard Oil was broken up under the antitrust laws in 1911 some of which eventually became Exxon, Mobil and Chevron. As you can see we were in Cow Springs which is on Route 160 in Arizona on the way to Monument Valley not to be confused with Wild Cow Springs Recreation Area in western Arizona not to be confused with mad cows. Speaking of which himself may have brought them to mind when I entreated him to “Turn here!”:

Dinosaur tracks on the road to Monument Valley

It seemed a reputable tourist destination from the look of the sign. Don’t you think so? Though I am the designated navigator himself picks and chooses when to listen to me. He didn’t turn so I cannot confirm if they were real dinosaur tracks.

The good news is that we made it to Monument Valley despite my misdirection:

monument valley
That’s our black truck. It was very orange by the end of the day.

monument valley

monument valley

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32 thoughts on “Turn Here Honey!

      1. All the way through we kept laughing at how bumpy the road was, there were huge holes and ridges where water had erroded the dirt. It was a blast. Thank goodnes we were in a pick up. The scenery was Spectacular!!!


  1. We JUST drove by the exact standard oil sign in Cow Springs on 160 heading east! I was looking at the sign and thought to myself “hmm that looks really familiar”.


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